The Indo-Us Nuke Deal: a Strategic and Defense Floodgate

Set against the backdrop of American financial Tsunami, the rise of China and Russia, the predicament of the U.S in Iraq, Afghanistan and the U.S policy failures on North Korea and Iran, the Indo-U.S Nuclear deal has profound strategic and defense implications.
The Nuclear deal is going to place India as the de-facto P-6 country in the globe. It is now better placed on the diplomatic plane with excellent relationship with the two strongest military powers of the globe. In the fields of diplomatic, military, trade and technological co-operations, India is to gain the maximum from these rivals. Besides, the agreement has opened up doors of trade, scientific and technological co-operation with the EU countries like France, Germany and Italy. The just concluded agreement with France, for producing medium-range fighter aircraft engine Kaveri, which was under American sanction, points to the immense possibilities. China, rising to the superpower status with a phenomenal speed, must take into account the new-found Indo-US proximity. Pakistan, too, is closely watching the development. The deal has pushed India a step closer to the Permanent Member status of the UN Security Council. Again India's defense relationship with, Israel, which is already the second largest arms supplier to India is set for a new high. Thus India, long isolated from the world of technologies, can now avail of space, military and dual use technologies and enhance its security, knowledge and skill.

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